Garrett The Brave

Garrett The Brave

Monday, June 16, 2014

Garrett In The LDS Church News and Deseret News!

Garrett's story was featured in the LDS Church News this last weekend and featured on the Deseret News website this morning! It is a great glimpse into our lives for the past 2 years. Although it was the hardest experience we have had as a family we would never trade it for anything! Our faith and testimonies have been strengthened and our hope for the future renewed. Garrett is doing so well at home! We are now up to doing two 45 minute trials off of the ventilator every day! Garrett still needs about a half of liter of oxygen when he is off the ventilator but is completely breathing on his own! It's amazing! We are sometimes tempted to go faster but we want to make sure we are weaning him off of his ventilator safely. Garrett doesn't even seem to notice! We sure love you Garrett! Keep up the good work!

1 comment:

  1. I never get tired of hearing this story! It increases my faith every time. You, Jake and Garrett are all amazing examples of hope, faith, patience and endurance and so much more.
