Garrett The Brave

Garrett The Brave

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Update on 3D Printed Airway Splints

We wanted to take a moment and share the most recent update with you. C.S. Mott's Children's Hospital and the University of Michigan have released some research related to the procedure that Garrett was able to receive from them. Dr. Glen Green and his team. They have now saved 3 children's lives  (Kaiba, Garrett, and Ian) using these incredible 3D printed airway splints. All 3 kids are doing awesome and are improving far past any previous expectations for their diagnosis. As many of you know Garrett was in ICU type care for the first 19 months of his life. This procedure was the only thing that was able to bring Garrett home. Since the procedure we have never even seen the slightest evidence of any complication or problem with his airway splints. Our greatest hope is that other children with airway issues can find Dr. Green and his team in Michigan. Looking back we can now see that Garrett was weeks away from passing away before he had the surgery in Michigan. These doctors are our heroes. So far they have only done the procedure on 3 children and it has been successful in every circumstance. We would trust them with our Garrett again in a heartbeat. University of Michigan is trying to raise enough money to do a formal medical research trial where they can treat children who are not as severe as Garrett but are waiting for help. You can donate to their efforts here:

3D printed airway Airway Fund

Monday, April 20, 2015

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sometimes waking up from an almost 3 hour nap is really hard to do! Love this cutie patootie 😍

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Friday, April 17, 2015

Happy Easter! 🌷🐰🐣💙 I hope you all have a beautiful day!

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Today marks a BIG day at our house! A huge reason to celebrate, which is exactly what we will be doing today! 🎉 1 year ago today our sweet Garrett came home for the very first time, at almost 19 months old! I will never forget the feeling I had as Jake and I drove away from Primary Children's that day, with just our little family in the car. We were both filled with an overwhelming feeling of happiness and joy. SO proud of our fighter boy Garrett. Garrett spent the first 19 months in complete ICU care, too sick and on too high of ventilator settings to be able to leave the hospital. He lived at 3 hospitals during that year and a half, one of them being across the country in Michigan. Those 19 months were the hardest and yet some of my happiest moments as well. In 1 year this boy has been able to stay home with no overnight hospital stays, he's rolling all over the family room, starting to scoot, and getting closer to sitting up all on his own. He is breathing on his own, and can be completely off of his vent when he is awake, and his labs have never looked better! He is a lover of all things Mickey Mouse and his laugh lights up the room! We feel incredibly grateful today for all of the doctors and nurses that helped get our boy HOME...and for our amazing friends and family, for your love, support and prayers in all of our behalf. And I feel so grateful to my Heavenly Father for every single day I get to spend with Garrett. It's a true gift. He's the happiest, and healthiest he's ever been...and that does a Mom heart a lot of good. 💛 Happy 1 year Anniversary of being home buddy! We love you so much! 💛

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Thursday, April 2, 2015


Back tickles for daddy while watching Mickey Mouse...a perfect Sunday afternoon!

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March year ago TODAY, We all arrived back home after spending nearly 3 months in Michigan at Mott's Children's Hospital. I love how happy Garrett and Jake look to be going HOME. When we flew Garrett to Michigan, in January of last year, he was in very critical shape. We were most likely weeks away from loosing him. We are eternally grateful to U of M, and Dr. Green, Dr. Hollister, and Dr. Ohye and many more amazing people - they created a 3D airway splint that not only has helped Garrett breathe on his own, but saved his life. 💕 We KNOW that miracles happen today, because Garrett is a living, breathing miracle that I get to spend every day with. He brings us all so much happiness! We love you Garrett the Brave! 💕

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Practicing his piano moves this morning 😍 he's got them down! I love this boy!

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Our weekly trach change tonight, got me thinking...Never in a million years did I think I would have a child with a trach. When Garrett was almost 3 months old we had many scans confirm that he would need one, it was a hard pill to swallow. I remember I was so sad and heartbroken. But deep down, Jake and I both had a peaceful calm feeling and we knew it was what he needed to help him. Today, I view his trach completely different...instead of feeling sad, I feel so grateful. Grateful that his trach allows him to be home with us, and allows him to play and roll, grow, laugh and watch Mickey Mouse. 💙 I don't even notice it's there anymore. Just the site of blood used to be enough to make me almost pass out - it's amazing the things you'll do for your kids! Never thought I would become a Mom/Nurse/Respiratory Therapist etc... Love this boy.

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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Out for a walk on this gorgeous day! ☀️🌷

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Ending my night snuggling this cutie pie at home in his new jam jams ☺️ Great way to finish off a fun day! 💙

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Friday, February 27, 2015

My #tbt today is one of my most happy memories of Garrett's 19 month journey in the hospital. One year ago this week I walked into Garrett's room to see him not only on the Trilogy home ventilator, but for the first time in his entire life he didn't have a hospital grade ventilator in his room. I will never forget snapping this picture and smiling from ear to ear, with tears in my eyes, knowing that he was breathing on a machine we could take HOME. 💓 They switched him and wanted to see how long he could handle it (being that home vents are not as strong or powerful as hospital vents) and he soared and never looked back! Before his airway procedure, he couldn't tolerate the home vent for longer than minutes to maybe a couple of hours. It was another miracle. 💓 #garrettistheman #garrettthebrave
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Inside the Story: 3D printer saves baby

Garrett was recently featured on KUTV channel 2 news. Dan Rascon did the story and we were very impressed by him. He is such a nice and genuine person. We are always happy to share Garrett's story in hopes that other children can find Dr. Green and his team in Michigan. We feel it's the least we can do after Dr. Green and the University of Michigan saved Garret's life. Garrett's 3D printed airway splints have been incredible. They made it possible for him to have a future. They finally allowed our boy to breathe well enough to come home. They made the impossible, possible. It has been such a huge blessing in our lives and has completely changed our lives. We originally found Dr. Green through the media coverage of the first little boy to have this procedure, Kaiba. We are so grateful for the media coverage about Kaiba and his parents willingness to share their story. We may never have found this procedure for Garrett without them. We thought we would post the story here for those who didn't catch it on the news. You can also watch the video directly on KUTV's website as well.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week

Faces of CHD

My friend Kierra will along with 2 other fellow Mom bloggers, will be posting a story each day this week, of a child with a CHD. I feel honored to be able to share Garrett's story over on her blog today to start the week. Please we can spread awareness. ❤️ #Repost @kierrai with @repostapp.
Good Morning!! So over the past several weeks, Christie (@lemonsqueezyhome), Jayme (@thepaperdeerphotography), and I have been working on a very special Congenital Heart Defect Awareness project - and we're launching it this morning. Everyday from February 8-14, The Irvine Home (, Lemon Squeezy Home ( & The Paper Deer Photography ( will each feature one story of a child with a CHD and their journey thus far . I encourage you everyday to visit all {3} blogs featuring these special stories in this special blog link up and read about these brave heart heroes. I also ask that you share this series with your friends and followers to help raise awareness during this CHD Awareness week. Today, I'm featuring Garrett, who due to both heart and airway issues, spent the first 19 months of his life in the hospital before his parents could take him home. Jayme is featuring a sweet girl named Haley, and Christie is featuring twins Kaitlyn and Mattingly! You'll find the link to my blog within my IG profile, and again I urge you to read all 3 stories, learn a little bit more about CHD's and the effects of this disease and become aware! Thank you, Kierra #FacesofCHD #CHDAwareness
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